Maybe it’s backlash for that whole “Freedom Fries” thing.
Courrier International hired the French-based Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency to make this ad promoting the Paris-based weekly newspaper, which also circulates in Portugal and Japan. Is this a risque art-statement or a cultural slap to the face? As one commenter said on the Cheezburger-affiliated Daily What:
Learn to anticipate? Two words to the French: Maginot Line.
Other comments note the ad seems particularly offensive given it runs the same week as the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
This ad is disgusting. Why would they choose to feature 9/11 out of all the things in life one could legit expect to anticipate. Maginot Line: had to look it up – amazing comment. Question: where did this ad run? Why is it in English?
This ad ran in the French and Portuguese versions of the weekly I believe. I assume it ran in English so as to generate the controversy it was designed to – of course the US needs to get it to get enraged about it, right?