Friday night, French-Canadian electro/dance/techno DJ Deadmau5 played the middle of three shows at Midtown’s Roseland Ballroom to an ecstatic, young and packed house. Crash, the back-of-house soundguy, showed me around under the stage. “These four fuses each hold 8,000 watts, at one ohm,” he told me, shining his Maglight across the wall. I got a taste of all access and decided to press my luck: I canvased the entire venue, from the top to the bottom, shooting photos and talking to people. Check out a slideshow below. The show itself was a visual feast. A DJ friend in Los Angeles told me Deadmau5 used the same set designer Daft Punk employs for this tour’s schematic – it’s pretty easy to tell.
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hi thanks for the reading.